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My Original Characters


Here you can find all the informations about my original characters.

Astarte - the stargirl

Astarte is the stargirl. Shes is the one that lights up the stars.

She is always surroned by alot of stars.

Her best friend is on little star, he is always with her.

Astarte got catched by a professor that loves to collet rare and extraordinary stuff.

She is keeped in a small room, that looks like a godness palace.

Name: Astarte

Age: unknown

Hair: blond

Eyes: brown

Size: 1.60

Reference pictures of Astarte:


Ariane - Schoolgirl

Ariane is a normal schoolgirl. 

One day she gets private lessons because her grade arent the best.

The person that teachs her private lessons are Professor Hayden.

Once Ariane wanted to go to the toilet and went wrong in that big place that Prof. Hayden owns.

She took the wrong door and just stepped into the room where Astarte is caged..

Reference picutres of Ariane:

Name: Ariane 

Age: 16

Hair: dark brown

Eyes: green

Size: 1.65

Prof. Dr. Hayden

Professor Dr. Hayden is teaching Art History at college/university.

His hobby is collecting rare and extraordinary art objects.

Reference pictures of Prof. Dr. Hayden:

Name: Prof. Dr. Hayden

Age: 38

Hair: black

Eyes: blue

Size: 1.87







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